Reotemp is a family owned company that understands your goal is to create high quality compost quickly and efficiently. You can measure how your compost is doing by looking at key pieces of information like compost temperature, % oxygen, and moisture content. To help you measure this information, we’ve focused on building the most durable and reliable instruments in the industry.

What types of composting instruments does Reotemp Compost offer?

Reotemp Compost offers both high quality industrial compost thermometers for municipal and city operations and backyard compost thermometers for the beginner backyard composter. To measure relative moisture, Reotemp Compost offers heavy-duty compost moisture meters in short and long-stem varieties which can be used for gardening or composting.

Order our compost products online here. Contact us regarding compost products at or by calling 858-225-1889.

Reotemp Compost donates 1% of all revenue from compost instrument sales to sustainability initiatives and charity.